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具有挑戰性和令人上癮的謎題 , 請你來解決不同的報價 , 超過 1,500智慧跨越時代的時間超過 3小時,並提供了遊戲。
This challenging and addictive puzzle invites you to solve over 1500 different quotes of wisdom spanning over 3 eras of time and offering hours of game play.
With quotes from everyone from Gandhi and Einstein to Confucius and Bierce, adults and children alike will love solving quote puzzles and discovering new words of wisdom from the Old times, Middle Ages and Modern times.
The rules are simple: Original quotes start out by being reshuffled vertically within each column. In order to solve the puzzles, players must click on two letters positioned in the same column. Points are gained by completing the quote puzzles; extra bonus points are given for solving “colored tiles” that last a few seconds and blocked columns can help or hinder the process of finding quotes such as “ Corporations: An Ingenious Device For Obtaining Profit Without Individual Responsibility.”


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