
Welcome to Zillow, a living database of more than 100 million U.S. homes, including homes for sale, homes for rent and homes not currently on the market. Zillow is dedicated to helping homeowners, buyers, sellers, renters, agents, mortgage professionals, landlords, and property managers find and share vital information about homes, real estate, and mortgages.
Zillow’s goal is to help people make smart decisions about their homes - whether it's buying a home, selling, renting, leasing, remodeling or financing - it's all about empowering people with data and information.
The Zillow name evolved from the desire to make zillions of data points for homes accessible to everyone. And, since a home is about more than just data -- it is where you lay your head to rest at night, like a pillow - "Zillow" was born.
In addition to Zillow.com, Zillow also operates Zillow Mortgage Marketplace, where borrowers connect with lenders to find loans and get the best mortgage rates; and Zillow Mobile, the most popular real estate mobile platform today.


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