
Cloud + Web APP  


1. 網路跨平台App應用.

2. 避免拖累電腦系統效能.

3. 避免損耗硬碟空間.

4. 即使電腦硬體效能不強也可以正常運作本站所列出的App,提升工作效率.


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CarrotSticks是一個在線多人遊戲,提高數學能力和理解 , 適合1 - 5年級生。CarrotSticks採用摩擦出激勵孩子多走一英里的數學通過樂趣!嚴格的練習彈奏 CarrotSticks手段解決數學問題。通過反复實踐,CarrotSticks孩子建立有價值的速度和“肌肉記憶”,這兩者都是成功的關鍵在數學。CarrotSticks不允許全名或“自由交談”,你可以放心,您的孩子安全上網的同時打CarrotSticks。
CarrotSticks is an online multiplayer game that improves math skills and understanding for 1st - 5th graders as they practice and compete with other students around the world!
Whether your child prefers competing with others or practicing on their own, they'll love designing their own characters and earning points by solving problems. CarrotSticks takes the friction out of motivating your child to go the extra mile with math by making it social and fun!
CarrotSticks makes math fun by making it social, but because CarrotSticks doesn't allow full names or "free chat," you can rest assured that your child is safe online while playing CarrotSticks.
CarrotSticks kids can practice on their own or compete with their peers, solving elementary math problems. Each problem category is divided into 25 levels designed by doctoral students at the Stanford School of Education to emphasize specific skills and concepts.
CarrotSticks kids can choose to practice on their own, or they can go head-to-head with their peers in realtime matches. In both cases, students choose the problem difficulty level right for them, building skills and confidence at their own pace.


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KIDOZ打開電視瀏覽器到一個安全,娛樂和教育孩子的電視 .有成千上萬的娛樂和教育視頻為您的孩子。影片排序進入渠道,包括流行:電影 ,  有趣的東西 , 卡通 ,  趣味娛樂 , 學習“如何”做的事情 , 科學頻道 ,  芝麻街 ,  故事 , 兒童歌曲 ,  動物 ,  學習頻道!  孩子們除了可以輕鬆地創建自己的播放列表與他們最喜愛的影片完全一樣。家長可以添加視頻通過家長控制 ,  新的智能緩存引擎已經增加了更快的導航。
KIDOZ TV turns your browser into a safe, Fun and Educational TV for kids with thousands of Fun and Educational videos for your child.
Videos are sorted into channels including the popular:
Movies/ Funny Stuff/ Cartoon/ Fun & Entertainment/ Learn "How To do" things/
The Science channel/ Sesame Street/ Stories/ Kids Songs/ Animal / Learning channel/Baby channel.


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MathBoard添加了另外的唯一版本的MathBoard數學學習工具。MathBoard加法是適合所有年齡 , 從幼兒園到小學裡學習數學的一個挑戰。您可以控制範圍內要使用的數字,甚至可以指定一個時間限制每個測驗。MathBoard將讓學習數學發揮樂趣。
MathBoard Addition is an addition only version of MathBoard, the math learning tool. MathBoard Addition is appropriate for all ages from kindergarten to elementary school where learning math can be a challenge. You can control the range of numbers you want to work with, the number of questions you want to answer and even assign a time limit per quiz. MathBoard Addition will make learning math fun.
When you need more then just addition, turn to the full version of MathBoard which includes - Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Squares, Cubes and Square Roots .

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Garden Party is a magical virtual world where children can safely make friends, play games, grow items from seeds, trade and chat!

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查找內容的電視節目 - 或選擇其中超過 45個兒童友好的主題。(點擊“瀏覽視頻”按鈕)選項來運行視頻在全屏模式。(點擊“BIG”按鈕)可隱藏字幕的電視節目和剪輯。(查找“CC”按鈕)包括短片以及選定全長情節
Watch videos from your favorite PBS KIDS television series any time you like! Come learn with the Cat in the Hat, Buddy, Curious George, Super Why, Sid, Arthur, Martha, Clifford and more...
* Find content by TV show -- or choose from among more than 45 kid-friendly topics. (Click "Browse Videos" button.)
* Option to run videos in full-screen mode. (Click "BIG" button.)
* Closed captioning available for TV shows and clips. (Look for "cc" button.)
* Includes short clips as well as selected full-length episodes.

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Simple, free and fun application to color drawings! And now, more cool pictures to color!

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INTRODUCTORY OFFER - Receive All, YES ALL BEAUTIFULLY illustrated and enhanced books featuring many of your favorite titles FREE.
READ each book with audio playback, word highlighting and automatic playback! Want to read it yourself, just click the pause button, and then turn the pages manually.
PERSONALIZE both the text and audio of each enhanced book! Answer a few simple questions and PRESTO the books are rewritten for you. Then, click on the big green button to record and start adding your own voice to the book. Great idea for traveling parents.


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Planeto is the world's first Massively Multiplayer Online Quiz -- very easy to learn but hard to master. Bringing fun, compelling and deep trivia gaming to everyone!
Level-up, find treasure and use power-ups! Play with thousands of other players. Collaborate in the Picture Quiz, compete in the Quiz Race, or try the other exciting game modes!
Play with your spouse, parents, kids, or your friends. Everyone can play!


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具有挑戰性和令人上癮的謎題 , 請你來解決不同的報價 , 超過 1,500智慧跨越時代的時間超過 3小時,並提供了遊戲。
This challenging and addictive puzzle invites you to solve over 1500 different quotes of wisdom spanning over 3 eras of time and offering hours of game play.
With quotes from everyone from Gandhi and Einstein to Confucius and Bierce, adults and children alike will love solving quote puzzles and discovering new words of wisdom from the Old times, Middle Ages and Modern times.
The rules are simple: Original quotes start out by being reshuffled vertically within each column. In order to solve the puzzles, players must click on two letters positioned in the same column. Points are gained by completing the quote puzzles; extra bonus points are given for solving “colored tiles” that last a few seconds and blocked columns can help or hinder the process of finding quotes such as “ Corporations: An Ingenious Device For Obtaining Profit Without Individual Responsibility.”


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